Tuesday, April 17, 2012

17 years.

I was in school for 17 years. I've been graduated for a week and a half. thats it. And I'm already bored. While I was in school I was begging to be done with it already..but now that its over...I just don't know what to do with myself. Its amazing how quickly I can get bored. But 17 years was a long time. I literally can't remember a time when I wasn't in school. I did have those lovely summer breaks growing up, but since I started college there literally hasn't been a semester that I haven't had some classes. I didn't take summer off. I was always in some sort of class. Its really weird now.

So I need a new hobby. And I don't know what that hobby is yet. But in a week and a half I'm going to have a lot more time on my hands. I've decided not to transfer my nursing license over to washington for the summer and instead I am going to nanny but that doesn't start until the middle of June. So I may die of boredom until then if I don't find a new hobby. So do you have any ideas for me? And it can't be to expensive of a hobby either. I need help people. Pinterest has become my hobby and I'm obsessed with that...but it does get old.

So I need a hobby....help me. :)


  1. Volunteering. Like volunteering to come hang out with your sis-in-law and her kids :) Can't wait until you're here!

  2. When i finished school i learned to love reading. I also like to do puzzles, which can occupy a lot of your time. Hope that helps!
